Solving Quadratic Equations: the Quadratic Formula

This method involves using the coefficients of the quadratic equation in a formula to find the solutions to the quadratic equation.

The Quadratic Formula
The solutions to the equation


can be found with the quadratic formula below.

x={-b pm sqrt{b^2-4ac}}/{2a}


Solving Quadratic Equations with the Quadratic Formula
1)  Write the equation with all the terms on the same side.
2)  Identify a, b and c from the equation with all the terms on one side.  The coefficient of the squared term is a, the coefficient of the x term is b, and the constant is c.
3) Substitute the values of a, b and c into the formula.
4) Simplify the using the order of operation.


Solving a Quadratic Equation using the Quadratic Formula: Example 1 of 1

The website of Professor Amanda Sartor