Category Archives: Trigsted Chapter 1

Polynomial Equation (Solve by factoring with the grouping method)

Example:  Solve the polynomial equation


Solution:  Solve the polynomial equation by factoring.

The original equation.
Write the equation so that all the terms are on the same side.

  • Subtract 4y
  • Subtract 4
Group two terms pairs of terms and factor the greatest common factor from each group.

  • The greatest common factor for the first group is y^2
  • The greatest common factor for the second group is -4
Factor the common binomial from each term.

  • The common binomial is (y+1)
  • The other factor is formed using the coefficients of the parenthesis
Continue to factor completely by factoring the difference of squares in the second parenthesis
Apply the zero product property by setting each factor equal to zero.
y+1=0 or y+2=0 or y-2=0
Solve each remaining equation.
y+1=0 or y+2=0 or y-2=0
y+1-1=0-1 or y+2-2=0-2 or y-2+2=0+2
y=-1 or y=-2 or y=2

The solutions to the polynomial equation y^3+y^2=4y+4 are y=-1 or y=-2 or y=2.

Solving a Quadratic Equation using the Quadratic Formula: Example 1 of 1

Example:  Solve the quadratic equation with the quadratic formula.



The original equation.
Write the equation so that all of the terms are on the same side.
Identify a, b and c.
a=2, b=-4, c=7
The quadratic formula.
x={-b pm sqrt{b^2-4ac}}/{2a}
Substitute the values into the quadratic formula.
x={-b pm sqrt{b^2-4ac}}/{2a}
x={-(-4) pm sqrt{(-4)^2-4(2)(7)}}/{2(2)}
Simplify using order of operations by applying powers, multiplying and then subtracting.
x={-(-4) pm sqrt{(-4)^2-4(2)(7)}}/{2(2)}
x={4 pm sqrt{16-56}}/{4}
x={4 pm sqrt{-40}}/{4}
Simplify the radical by looking for perfect square factors of 40.
x={4 pm sqrt{-40}}/{4}
x={4 pm sqrt{-1(4)(10)}}/{4}
x={4 pm 2i sqrt{10}}/{4}
Simplify by canceling the common factor of 2 out of the terms in the numerator and denominator.
x={4 pm 2i sqrt{10}}/{4}
x={2(2) pm 2i sqrt{10}}/{2(2)}
x={2 pm i sqrt{10}}/{2}

The solutions to the quadratic equation are x={2 + i sqrt{10}}/{2} and x={2 - i sqrt{10}}/{2}.

Solving Quadratic Equations by Factoring: Trinomial a=1

Example: Solve the quadratic equation by factoring.



The original equation
Write the equation with all the terms on one side of the equation and zero on the other side of the equation. x^2+x=20
Factor the expression on one side. x^2+x-20=0
Use the zero product property and set each factor equal to zero. (x+5)(x-4)=0
x+5=0 or x-4=0
Solve each equation. x+5=0 or x-4=0
x+5-5=0-5 or x-4+4=0+4
x=-5 or x=4

Check: x=4


Since the value of 4 makes the equation true, 4 is a solution to the equation.

Check: x=-5


Since the value of -5 makes the equation true, -5 is a solution to the equation.

Solving a Quadratic Equation: The Square Root Method Example 1 of 1

Example: Solve the quadratic equation with completing the square.


The original quadratic equation.
Rewrite the quadratic equation so that the square and everything that the square applies to are on one side of the equation.  This is called isolating the square. x^2-9=0
Cancel out the square by square rooting both sides. x^2=9
x=pm 3
The remaining equations are already solved.  The solutions to the equation are 3 and -3. x=-3 or x=3

Application of Rational Equations: Work Together (one pump stops working)

Problem:  Two pumps were required to pump the water out of a submerged area after a flood.  Pump A, the larger of the two pumps, can pump the water out in 24 hours, whereas it would take pump B 120 hours.  Both pumps were working for the first 8 hours until pump A broke down.  How long did it take pump B to pump the remaining water?


Create a table.  List each individual and the time it takes to complete the job.  Also include a row for the pumps working together.  Use a variable to represent the unknown time to complete the job when the pumps are working together.

Time to complete the job
Pump A
 24 hours
Pump B
120 hours
Together x

Fill in the table with the portion of the job completed in one hour.

If it takes Pump A 24 hours to complete the whole job, one twenty-forth (1/24) of the job will be completed in one hour.

If it takes Pump B 120 hours to complete the whole job, one one hundred twentieth (1/120) of the job will be completed in one hour.

If it takes x number of hours when the pumps are working together 1/x portion of the job will be completed in one hour.

Time to complete the job
 Portion completed in 1 hour
Pump A
24 hours  1/24
Pump B
120 hours  1/120
Together x  1/x

From here an equation can be created with the portion of the job completed in one hour.

In one hour, the portion completed by pump A plus the portion completed by pump B should equal the portion when they are working together.


Solve the equation to find x.

 The original equation is a rational equation.
Multiply the least common multiple of the denominators by each term.  The least common multiple of 24, 120 and x is 120x. 
Simplify by canceling the common factors.
Solve the remaining linear equation. 5x+x=120

It would take both pumps working together 20 hours to pump out all of the water.

But the two pumps are only working together for 8 hours which means they only get eight-twentieths (8/20) of the job done.  This fraction reduces to two-fifths (2/5).

Three-fifths (3/5) of the water remains and pump B is working alone.

It takes pump B 120 hours to complete the whole job.  It will take 120(3/5) to pump the remaining water out.

120(3/5)= 72 hours.

It takes pump B 72 hours to pump the remaining water.

Absolute Value Inequality: Less than or less than or equal to

Example: Solve the inequality.  Express the solution using interval notation.



Original absolute value inequality
Since the absolute value is isolated, get rid of the absolute value by writing the equivalent compound inequality.
Solve the compound inequality by isolating the x in the middle. Start by subtracting 12 from each part.
Isolating the x in the middle: Divide by -4 on each part.
Note: Reverse the inequality symbol when dividing by a negative.  Reversing the order of the numbers is equivalent to reversing the signs.
9/4 <=x <=15/4
Write the interval notation for the inequality.